Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts, feeling they would be happier with their bodies, and look more attractive if their breasts were bigger and fuller. These women opt to have breast augmentation in San Diego performed by Dr. Kearney.
Dr. Kearney is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation. He performs the procedure on patients who feel their breasts are too small, have asymmetrical breasts, have breasts that have lost volume due to significant weight loss or breastfeeding, or simply feel that their breasts are out of proportion with the rest of the body. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation options, dial (858) 677-9352 to call our San Diego office today.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
The decision to have breast augmentation is a life-changing one, and it is a decision that should be made solely for you, not for a partner, spouse, or anyone else. Maybe you’ve always felt that your breasts were not proportional with the rest of your figure. Maybe your breasts are somewhat asymmetrical. Or maybe you’d simply like to have a curvier, more voluptuous figure. There are many reasons that breast augmentation with Dr. Kearney could be a great procedure for you.
Once women have opted to have breast augmentation, there is an amazing degree of satisfaction with the procedure. In studies with women who have had breast augmentation, there is a 98 to 99 percent rating of overall satisfaction with their decision and their final outcomes. Along that line, breast augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic surgery performed in the U.S. since 2006.
There are some limitations to candidacy. Women cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding and have a breast augmentation. To qualify for silicone breast implants, a woman needs to be at least 22 years old. For saline breast implants, the patient needs to be at least 18.
Breast Implant Types
There are two types of breast implants available for breast augmentation surgery.
- Silicone Breast Implants – These implants are pre-filled with silicone gel, a thick fluid that feels like human fat. These implants feel softer and more natural than saline implants.
- Saline Breast Implants – These implants are inserted empty. Once inserted into the breast pocket, they are then filled with sterile salt water.
You will discuss your breast implant options during your consultation with Dr. Kearney. He will go over the pros and cons of both silicone and saline breast implants to determine the type of implant that is best for you and your aesthetic goals.
The Breast Augmentation Procedure
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. During surgery, Dr. Kearney may create an incision around the nipple (periareolar), under the breast (inframammary), through the armpit (transaxillary), or through the belly button (transumbilical). The breast implant is placed either below or above the chest muscle. As with implant type, the incision location is a decision you will discuss with Dr. Kearney.
Since silicone breast implants are pre-filled; they require a slightly longer incision than saline implants. A small bandage will be placed once the incision is sutured. The patient is then provided with a surgical bra to support the new breast shape.
Breast Augmentation FAQs
What are the Risks and Side Effects of Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is major surgery, and it has the risks involved with any surgery: anesthesia reaction, bleeding, infection, and such. For breast augmentation, there are some specific risks. These include the loss of nipple or breast sensation, loss of breastfeeding ability, implant leakage or rupture (if the implant is somehow nicked during placement), rippling, or improper positioning.
The main enduring risk or problem with implants is capsular contracture. When an implant is placed in the breast pocket, the body’s natural response is to build scar tissue around that foreign object. Usually this scar tissue development isn’t excessive. But if the scar tissue becomes too aggressive, it may deform the implants and cause them to feel overly firm or hard. This is capsular contracture. If this happens, they will need to be replaced and the excess scar tissue removed.
Otherwise, numerous studies have found no link between breast implants and autoimmune or other systemic diseases.
What Can I Expect Post-Procedure? What is the Recovery Time?
Our San Diego & La Jolla breast augmentation patients find that they can return to work in five days. However, you may still feel tired and sore by this time. All regular activities, including exercise, can be resumed within three weeks. Call (800) 671-1951 or fill out a Contact Form here to schedule a consultation!
How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?
Click here to view our pricing
Financing for breast augmentation surgery is also available through CareCredit. They offer our patients 6, 12 and 18 months no interest plans as well as plans with terms of up to 60 months at 14.9%. Patients can finance up to $25,000. A “credit card” will be issued to you, which you can swipe in our office or other participating offices. If your credit isn’t stellar, you can choose a co-signer option. For more information on financing for your breast augmentation surgery or to apply, call 1-800-365-8295 or visit
Can I Breastfeed after Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation can impact a woman’s ability to breastfeed, as the milk ducts can be affected. This is especially true with implants inserted through areola incisions. But Dr. Kearney has extensive training, experience, and skill with this procedure and is usually able to avoid the milk ducts and maintain the patient’s breastfeeding ability.
A more common problem is inadequate breast milk production. Though the milk ducts remain intact and the mother is capable of producing a normal supply of milk, at times nerve damage in the breast blocks the hormonal signals to the brain that trigger milk production. This is a rare problem, however.
Should I Wait Until I’m Done Having Children to Get Breast Implants?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding don’t affect your breast implants. Yes, your breasts will become naturally larger and then will return to their previous size, but this doesn’t affect the implants.
Still, this is something to consider. Pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding will cause just about any woman’s breasts to grow and then decrease. Often, there is sagging involved as the skin and support tissues become permanently stretched. Augmentation will mask some of this, as the breasts will maintain more volume that is held higher on the chest. However, if you wait until you are finished with childbirth, you may opt to have a breast lift combined with augmentation to both add volume and shape and to remove any sagging skin and excess fatty tissue.
Will Breast Augmentation Surgery Increase My Chances of Developing Breast Cancer?
Many studies have been done and there is not any evidence to show an increase in breast cancer risk with women who have had either saline or silicone breast implants. A few studies have actually shown a lower risk of breast cancer in women with implants, but the studies ascribe this phenomenon to these women being healthier and being far less overweight than the general population, rather than due to their breast implants.
Is Breast Augmentation the Answer for Sagging Breasts?
Breast augmentation can be part of the answer for sagging breasts. A woman’s breasts may show significant sagging and look flattened due to the gain and loss of weight from pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This can also happen from simple weight gain and loss. In these cases, some of the excess sagging skin and support tissue needs to be removed. This is the job of a breast lift with Dr. Kearney. A breast lift removes excess skin and brings the breasts back up to a higher position on the chest, the position they were before they began drooping downward.
But many women choose to add breast augmentation to a breast lift because the lift does not return volume. By adding implants to the procedure, volume and shape are added to the lifted breasts. Plus, adding implants during a breast lift surgery is simple because the incisions are already made.
Is Breast and Nipple Sensitivity Affected by Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation surgery can disturb some of the nerve pathways in the breasts, and this can lead to a loss of nipple sensation immediately following this surgery, with the nipples either being numb or very sensitive. This is usually a temporary phase of recovery, and regular sensation returns in all but a very small percentage of patients.
Implants placed through areola incisions have the highest chance of causing some loss of nipple sensation, but the occurrence is still very low.
Breast sensitivity should not be affected. There may be some temporary changes, but these will resolve as you heal.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Dr. Kearney proudly serves patients from San Diego, CA and surrounding areas. To schedule an appointment for Breast Augmentation, call us at (858) 677-9352 today or fill out our contact form for more information.