In these cases, breast reduction with Dr. Kearney can be the answer.
Why reduction?
Overly large breasts can be a curse. They are heavy, can cause back and neck pain and damage, can prevent the person from participating in certain sports or exercise routines, and can really affect the self confidence. Sometimes, a woman can be so self-conscious about her breasts that she avoids social interaction.
Breast reduction surgery is known as reduction mammaplasty. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breasts. The end goal is to have breasts that are proportional to the body.
The procedure
Reduction surgery is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Dr. Kearney usually opts to make an “anchor” incision around the nipple-areolar complex. The incision extends vertically below the nipple and then horizontally along the bottom crease of the breast. The nipple-areolar complex is moved upward to the desired position and excess tissue and fat are removed. The entire procedure usually takes around three hours.
Patients generally return home the same day of the surgery. A surgical bra will need to be worn for a couple weeks to provide support and decrease swelling. Most patients can return to work in five days, but normal exercise and the like will need to wait a month.
Do you feel your breast size is affecting your life? Call Dr. Kearney and let’s talk about reduction surgery.