We all think of our face when we think of visible signs of aging. But what about that flapping that occurs when you raise your hand above your head. You know, your loose upper arms?
Yes, loose skin on the underside of our upper arms is a dead giveaway for aging, and in San Diego where we’re wearing sleeveless blouses much of the year, it can be on display.
But you don’t have to put up with those loose upper arms, colloquially referred to as “bat wings” — Dr. Kearney can perform an arm lift and tighten things back up.
How can you tell if you need an arm lift
Some people think that if they did one million triceps exercises, their bat wings would go back to the bat cave. That may be true IF your skin still has good elasticity. If not, your upper arms, they will be a-flapping! If exercise doesn’t seem to do much of anything for those upper arms, and arm lift may be in order.
The procedure
In an arm lift, Dr. Kearney removes the excess skin and fat from the upper arms, creating a more contoured appearance. An incision is made on either the bottom of your arm or the backside. It usually runs from the elbow to the armpit. Excess fat and skin are removed, and Dr. Kearney tightens the underlying muscles. When the procedure is complete, you’ll wear compression garments around your upper arms during your recovery to help them adapt to their new smaller, tighter contour.
Most arm lift patients return to work after one week and can resume normal exercise and activity in about four weeks. But patients need to be careful because physical activity can aggravate the stitches and reshaped muscle tissue. Scars will fade over the next 18 months to where they will not be overly noticeable.
Tired of your upper arms flapping in the Santa Ana winds? Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 and set up a consultation on an arm lift.