If you’ve been losing your hair, you’ve probably been doing some research into ways to halt the process and regrow hair. You’ve probably checked into transplants. If so, you’ve no doubt seen the large scar at the back of the scalp that accompanies a typical hair transplant procedure.
Dr. Kearney doesn’t believe in that form of hair renewal because of that scarring. Instead, he offers NeoGraft®, a technologically superior method to overcome your problems with thinning hair.
The old way
With the “strip method” of hair replacement, the patient would have a large horizontal patch of scalp and hair removed from the back of the head and transplanted into area where the hair was needed. The problem with this method, beyond the painful incisions, was the linear scar that remained across the back of the head. This scar often could be seen, especially if the hair was wet. Plus, the procedure involved some serious post-operative pain and a slow recovery.
After considerable research, Dr. Kearney settled on the NeoGraft® Automated Hair Transplantation system to return hair. Rather than removing a wide strip of scalp, the NeoGraft® system removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of 1-4 hairs. This is called the follicular unit extraction. Those follicles are then placed into the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred. The procedure is minimally invasive and involves little or no discomfort.
The NeoGraft® system uses pneumatic controls to precisely extract complete individual hair follicles that can then be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. Because of the lack of scarring or recovery, NeoGraft® delivers the ultimately discrete solution to getting your hair back!
Benefits of the NeoGraft® system
- The most natural-looking results
- No linear scar across the back of the head
- No stitches or staples
- Minimally invasive and done as an outpatient procedure
- Little or no discomfort
- Short recovery time (patients return to work the next day)
If you’re losing some hair, call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 and ask about the NeoGraft® system.