That sounds like something that might be in store this month for Thanksgiving. But submental fullness is the clinical term for a double chin. We all like to think it’s everyone else who has the double chin, but reality says that most of us have at least some junk under our chins.
In the past, nothing short of a neck lift or liposuction could address a double chin, but a prescription injection called Kybella® has changed that. Kybella® improves the profile of people with moderate to severe double chins.
Dr. Kearney now offers Kybella at his practice.
The skinny on the double chinny
Double chins are pretty much a part of growing older, and surely a part of putting on weight. The unending downward pull of gravity, along with the loosening of the skin, creates a perfect condition for the skin to hang down and collect fat. The result is drooping skin and a lack of definition in your profile.
But you’re not alone. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery conducted a survey in 2015 on double chins. The results showed that 67% of people were “bothered by their double chin.” And they said their double chin bothered them just as much as wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Kybella® to the rescue
Kybella® is nothing more than deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid occurs naturally in the body. Its job is to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Now you can see the idea behind Kybella®. To deoxycholic acid fat is fat, meaning it doesn’t differentiate between dietary fat and other fat that can be found in pockets under your chin. When Kybella® is injected into the fat beneath the chin, it destroys the fat cells. And it destroys them permanently, removing the storage mechanism to accumulate fat in the area. That means your double chin is gone for good, as long as you don’t put on a good deal of weight in the future.
Following the concept of Kybella®, your next question is probably, “If it works on fat under the chin, why not use it anywhere you have unwanted fat?” Alas, thus far the FDA has approved Kybella® only for use on double chins. Research is progressing on other potential areas, however.
How does Dr. Kearney use Kybella?
A Kybella® session with Dr. Kearney lasts less than 30 minutes. It involves a series of injections with a very small needle. A series of treatments is necessary to regain the profile most patients seek, although you will see results after the first session. Most patients opt for a series of six treatments.
The fullness you have at Thanksgiving may be unavoidable. But your “submental fullness” is now avoidable with Kybella. Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 to ask about it.