An arm lift with Dr. Kearney can do that and you’ll be ready to don your sleeveless blouses come spring.
Why are my upper arms loose?
Significant weight gain or weight loss, or simply the relentless march of time, can create loose skin on the upper arms. This results in unsightly, inelastic flabby areas on the bottom of both upper arms, sometimes referred to as “bat wings.” It can make a person leery of wearing certain blouses in order to keep her upper arms covered. That’s no way to go about life.
What is an arm lift?
Dr. Kearney can address this problem with a plastic surgery procedure called brachioplasty, commonly known as an arm lift. This procedure removes excess skin and fat in the upper arms.
Sometimes if a person is overweight, the thinking is that losing a few pounds will take care of the problem. Unfortunately, while losing the weight is the way to go, this can make the problem worse. The same is true of performing only liposuction on the upper arm area.
An arm lift, sometimes done in conjunction with liposuction, is the way Dr. Kearney firms up your upper arms.
How is an arm lift done?
In an arm lift, an incision is made either on the inside or on the back of the arm near the elbow. The length and pattern of the incision, which could extend all the way up to the underarm, will depend on the amount and location of the excess skin present. Fat deposits in the area may be removed through excision or liposuction. Once the fat has been removed, the supportive tissues in the arm are tightened and contoured using internal sutures. The skin is then re-draped and smoothed to conform to the new tighter contour.
What results can I expect?
There will be bruising and swelling, but your new firmer upper arms will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. Dr. Kearney will put you in compression sleeves on both arms to help them adapt to their new tighter contours. There will also be some scarring, but it fades quite quickly in this area.
Interested in getting your upper arms ready for the spring? Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 and schedule a consultation for an arm lift.