If you’ve been thinking about calling Dr. Kearney and setting up a consultation for breast augmentation, here are five statistics that may interest you.
#1 Extremely high satisfaction rates
A recent survey from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that 98 percent of women felt their augmentation either met or exceeded their expectations. Over 90 percent of the women also said they felt the procedure increased their self-esteem.
#2 Easy recovery
Breast augmentation surgery does not involve a difficult recovery. Most women are able to return to work after just a few days of recovery. The pain is not acute, and is often related to being similar to the feeling after a rigorous upper body workout.
#3 Implants are proven to be safe
Before any implants were initially approved the FDA studied them extensively. Later, in the 80s, when there was some concern about silicone and safety, the FDA conducted another, even more rigorous, study and found no link between health issues and silicone breast implants. Plus, modern silicone gel is now very cohesive, meaning it usually adheres to itself and doesn’t leak out into the breast pocket if the implant ruptures.
#4 Duration
Implant durability is continuing to improve. Although most implants will need to be replaced at least once in a patient’s life, there is no specific timeline. Manufacturers guarantee their implants for at least 10 years, and many patients have implants that can last double that time. Plus, replacing implants is not difficult as Dr. Kearney can simply enter through the same original incisions to remove the old implants and place the new ones.
#5 Variety of options
There are a variety of implants available from different manufacturers. These vary by the size, the shape, and the projection. This allows patients to choose an option that fits their goals, rather than adapting to a one-size-fits-all approach.
Are you interested in breast augmentation for the upcoming Mission Beach summer season? Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 and set up a consultation.