So, this Father’s Day, maybe you should give the man in your life something far more enduring than a tie or a sleeve of Titleists — hair.
At his San Diego practice, Dr. Kearney offers true hair regrowth using your own follicles. He just moves those follicles that are still growing hair to the areas where your hair is thinning. It’s a true revolution for those suffering from hair loss — the NeoGraft hair transplantation system.
What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation procedures relocate “bald resistant” hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. Once transplanted, these follicles that have never been prone to balding naturally grow hair for decades to come.
Although hair transplantation has been performed since the 1950s, techniques for successfully transplanting hair follicles have advanced, as have their success rates. Dr. Kearney is excited to perform NeoGraft follicular unit extraction for our patients from all across Southern California.
How is the FUE method performed?
In follicular unit extraction, the back of your head is first shaved and then numbed. This is the area where your hair is still growing normally and isn’t prone to balding. Using the NeoGraft handpiece that uses slight vacuum suction, Dr. Kearney removes hair follicles one by one from this area, and they are stored in the NeoGraft system. This area will heal with small dots, but the surrounding hair will cover those.
Next, we clean and numb the area where you want hair restored. Holes are created with the NeoGraft device, and each hair follicle is placed into one of the holes. As you would assume, this is a time-consuming process, taking anywhere from four to eight hours.
When will the hair start to grow?
After about two to three weeks, your transplanted hair will fall out, but it’s not a reason for concern. This is simply the follicles’ reaction to the trauma. Of your transplanted follicles, around 60 percent will successfully take hold and start growing new hair within six to nine months. That timeframe would have you back growing real hair in your thinning areas just in time for the holidays. Now that would be a nice gift, right?
Your man deserves something truly memorable this Father’s Day, the start of the end of his thinning areas on his scalp. Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 and set up a consultation for NeoGraft hair transplantation.