But at Dr. Kearney’s, you can see the future. OK, Dr. Kearney’s not a psychic, but his Crisalix 3D simulations sort of are! This amazing system allows our patients from across the San Diego area to see exactly what they will look like long before we’ve even scheduled their surgery.
What is Crisalix?
Crisalix allows our patients to see a very accurate simulation of what they will look like after their surgery. Crisalix creates 3D simulations for many aesthetic and plastic surgery procedures based simply off of standard 2D photos. Crisalix is the first web-based 3D simulation application.
How does Crisalix work?
Users register and upload three standard pictures — one from the front, and two from each side — into the website. Next, Crisalix software renders the photos with the proposed changes, creating a three-dimensional new simulation based on your actual body.
Crisalix is very valuable for breast augmentation because the patient can see what changes in cup size, volume, and projection will look like after surgery. It even simulates for different implant types and surgical techniques.
Crisalix can also be used on most facial procedures, from rhinoplasty to Botox injections to facelifts.
Crisalix removes the unknowns
The first question most patients have is, “What will I look like after the procedure?”
Now Dr. Kearney can show you. This takes much of the mystery out of the procedure. In fact, Crisalix has research that says 89% of patients proceed to surgery after seeing their Crisalix simulations.
So, like Ty Webb told Danny Noonan in Caddyshack, “See your future. Be your future.” Use the Crisalix 3D simulation system to see your future with surgery by Dr. Kearney.
Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 to schedule your consultation for the various cosmetic surgeries he performs. With Crisalix, you’ll know exactly what you can expect!