Just the sound of all of that merriment can make a person feel rundown already!
So, for this almost normal holiday season, maybe a trip to our beautiful offices just off of La Jolla Village Drive is in order to have a pick me up from our Vitamin “Shot” Bar.
How does it work?
These simple 1 cc injections come in single injections of $30, packages of 3 injections for $81, or packages of 5 injections for $135. Each of our choices works hard to replace some of the vitamins you need for energy, immune function, and simple overall health.
Here is our menu of four options, each sure to boost your energy, wellness, immunity, and more!
Our Vitamin “Shot” Bar Menu
- Busy Body — Keep up with your busy lifestyle with a shot of vitamin B12. B12 helps increase energy, revs up your metabolism, elevates your mood, and supports weight loss. It also improves cardiovascular health.
- Kick the Cold — This blend of seven vitamins — vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and vitamin C — helps give your body the boost it needs to fight off winter’s cold and flu invaders. Even if you get a cold, this vitamin boost will make its duration shorter. It also helps kick upper respiratory viruses (you know who you are coronavirus) and influenza.
- Chillax — A mix of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and magnesium, the Chillax blend helps you reduce stress, blood pressure, and depression. It’s like relaxation by vitamin. It will also promote an elevated mood, relaxation, and overall well-being. And who couldn’t use a little of that in these quarantine and virus times?
- Vitamin B Complex — Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 make this the vitamin B complex that your body craves. B complex vitamins are needed for the proper function of almost every process in the body. Here are the top 5 reasons you need to get plenty of B complex vitamins in your system:
- Energy production
- Healthy nervous system
- Healthy skin, hair, and nails
- Synergy
- Good digestion
Beyond the holidays, these infusions of essential vitamins and nutrients can help your body ward off colds and the flu this winter in San Diego. Give us a call at (858) 677-9352 to schedule your trip to our Vitamin “Shot” Bar!