Some people have fat, sagging skin. It may be due to excessive weight gain and loss. It may be due to numerous pregnancies and childbirth. It may simply be the march of time. Whatever the reason, body contouring can remove fat and excess, sagging skin and improve the patient’s body profile.
What is Body Contouring?
Body contouring isn’t a new idea; cosmetic plastic surgery IS body contouring. But body contouring is a philosophy of grouping procedures toward an overall end result. The surgeon and patient don’t look at individual procedures, but end goals. Excess skin and fat are removed wherever they are, not strictly in the area of the single procedure. Body contouring is done in stages, so is a process. But the end of the process is new, healthier-looking you.
Different types of body contouring:
Every person has different issues on their different parts of the body. The usual targets of body contouring are the breasts, thighs, upper arms, and buttocks.
The upper arms are addressed with an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty. In an arm lift, loose skin and fat in the upper arms is removed.
Another procedure is a thigh lift, which tightens loose, flabby thighs.
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a mainstay for most patients because the abdomen is an area that doesn’t easily respond to diet and exercise. Stubborn pockets of fat and loose skin can form a pooch that just won’t go away. An incision is made just above the pubic bone, and another at the belly button, and underlying skin and muscle are pulled taut and the excess is trimmed off.
For sagging buttocks, body contouring includes a butt lift. Unwanted fat and skin are removed and sometimes a patient’s fat, harvested from other unwanted areas, is re-injected here to add contour and shape.
Benefits of body contouring:
Often, no matter the amount of exercise, a person can’t seem to get certain areas of the body to respond. This can affect the self-confidence and self-esteem. Body contouring can make that same person feel good about their body once again. And that’s hard to put a value on.
If you’re interested in everything body contouring entails, give Dr. Kearney a call and schedule a consultation.