When you’re at Vegas, everyone likes to double down at the blackjack tables. And double your money coupons are a good thing at the supermarket.
But when it comes to the area beneath your chin, you don’t want to see double, as in a double chin. While most of us think everyone else has the double chin, truth is most people have some junk under there. Now, if the term double chin makes you cringe, go ahead and call it submental fullness. That’s the clinical term for “double chin.”
It’s interesting, considering their prevalence, that the aesthetic industry has basically overlooked double chins. To do anything about a double chin, patients have had to resort to neck lifts or lower facelifts.
But that has changed with a brand new product called Kybella®, a prescription brand name injection offered by Dr. Kearney. Kybella® is the prescription brand name for an injection formulated with deoxycholic acid that dramatically improves the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin, the proverbial double chin.
Most people have a double chin
People like to think others have the double chins, but that’s not true. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery conducted a survey in 2015 and found that 67% of people said they’re bothered by a double chin. That’s two thirds of the country! Respondents also said their double chins bugged them just as much as their wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Gravity, simple intrinsic aging (where decreasing production of collagen means the skin has less underlying support), genetics (some people simply have looser skin below the jawline), and weight gain — all of these factors cause our skin to droop. And because the skin under the chin has no underlying bone or muscle beneath it, it’s even more obvious when it becomes lax and hangs downward.
Kybella® to the rescue
In April 2015 the FDA approved Kybella®, the only injectable treatment to improve the appearance and profile of a double chin.
The basis of Kybella® is deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body whose job is to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella® (and its deoxycholic acid) destroys the fat cells. After those cells are gone, there is no longer a storage mechanism to accumulate fat in the area. Once gone, your double chin shouldn’t return.
Multiple treatments yield the best results
Dr. Kearney customizes his Kybella® treatments. Some patients see the results they want after two to four treatments; others require six. The number of treatments will depend on the amount of fat stored under your chin, along with your desired final profile. Each treatment is spaced four weeks apart.
Kybella® has no side effects and requires no recovery time. As with any injection, there can be some swelling at the injection sites, but that passes quickly.
Because Kybella® destroys the fat cells, results are permanent. However, if you gain weight, submental fat can return.
So, leave the doubles to Ichiro Suzuki. Let Dr. Kearney put the beatdown on your double chin with Kybella. Call him at (858) 677-9352 and ask us about it.