Nope. Dr. Kearney’s more interested in making this summer the summer where you can start regrowing hair in your thinning areas. He wants this to be your “Summer of Hair.”
How does he plan on doing this? NeoGraft hair transplantation, of course! It’s the finest way to actually return your own natural, growing hair follicles to the thinning areas where they’re needed. You’ll love NeoGraft.
What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation procedures relocate “bald resistant” hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. Once transplanted, these follicles that have never been prone to balding naturally grow hair for decades to come.
Although hair transplantation has been performed since the 1950s, techniques for successfully transplanting hair follicles have advanced, as have their success rates. Dr. Kearney is excited to perform NeoGraft follicular unit extraction for our patients.
How is the FUE method performed?
In follicular unit extraction, the back of your head is first shaved and then numbed. This is the area where your hair is still growing normally and isn’t prone to balding. Using the NeoGraft handpiece that uses slight vacuum suction, Dr. Kearney removes hair follicles one by one from this area, and they are stored in the NeoGraft system. This area will heal with small dots, but the surrounding hair will cover those.
Next, we clean and numb the area where you want hair restored. Holes are created with the NeoGraft device, and each hair follicle is placed in one of the holes. As you would assume, this is a time-consuming process, taking anywhere from four to eight hours.
When will the hair start to grow?
After about two to three weeks, your transplanted hair will fall out, but it’s not a reason for concern. This is simply the follicles’ reaction to the trauma. Of your transplanted follicles, around 60 percent will successfully take hold and start growing new hair within six to nine months.
Would NeoGraft be right for me?
For FUE transplantation, the patient needs to have hair still growing on the lower back of his or her scalp. These are the follicles that will be transplanted to the balding areas. The success of the procedure is dictated by how much bald-resistant donor hair the patient has, along with the amount of bald area that needs to be covered.
Are you worried about your thinning hair? Come see Dr. Kearney at our San Diego offices and let’s talk about NeoGraft. Call us at (858) 677-9352 to set up your consultation.