Our bodies have some leftovers from our prehistoric past. Your tailbone is one of those; wisdom teeth are another. Even our appendix has little use to our modern iteration.
Our ability to store fat is really a throwback to caveman days when we weren’t sure exactly when the next meal would be available. Our bodies are excellent at storing fat to act as a hedge against lean times in the cupboard, or back then, the cave.
In today’s fat-saturated America, we probably don’t need that fat storage ability any longer, but there it is. That’s why, no matter what kind of shape you’re in, there are likely a few pockets of stubborn fat here or there that simply will not go away, no matter how much attention you pay it with exercise or changes in diet. We’re storing it up for the summer dry season or the next famine we suffer through.
Fortunately, Dr. Kearney performs power-assisted liposuction to help patients remove these pockets of fat and slim their contour.
Not for weight loss
As Americans get bigger and bigger, some people think of liposuction as an easy way to overcome that daily Big Mac, but that’s not the case. Dr. Kearney wants his patients to be usually within about 10 percent of their ideal weight before having this procedure. Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss procedure; it’s a body-contouring procedure.
How much fat is removed during liposuction?
Every patient’s situation is unique, so you cannot set an arbitrary number of pounds of fat to be removed. There is an accepted limit for a single surgical session of 6000 ml. This includes the fat cells, blood, and tumescent solution and it equals a total of 12 pounds of fat and fluid. But this does not mean 12 pounds of fat will be removed. Actually removing too much fat is dangerous to the patient. Dr. Kearney uses the patient’s body mass index as a starting point to then set a limit on fat to be removed. The real goal is to create a slimmer contour, and he removes the fat necessary to do so.
Dr. Kearney performs power-assisted liposuction. This involves a special cannula that uses tiny, rapid vibrations to break up fat cells so that they can be more easily suctioned away. This makes his results more consistent and also makes for easier, faster recovery times.
Do you want to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat on your lower abdomen, flanks, and other areas? Call Dr. Kearney at (858) 677-9352 to schedule a consultation.